OEA Lunch Meeting | May 30th

  • 05/30/2018
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Moda Center | Rose Room | 1 N Center Ct St, Portland, OR 97227

Jim Kitchin will introduce Laurey Masly, Executive Director of ReFit. 

In 1996, a spinal cord injury left Bill and Carol Markt’s son Jess partially paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair.

Within the confines of the chair, daily activities took on a new level of complexity and home, which had always provided comfort and safety, became a minefield of physical obstacles.

Bill had worked in the building and remodeling industry in Portland for many years, and it didn’t take long for a group of his colleagues to extend a helping hand.

Modifications were made to the Markt home to allow for greater mobility and wheelchair accessibility.  Friends also donated time and resources to refit Jess’ Fraternity, allowing him to return to college and move forward with his education… and his life.

Bill and his colleagues began to wonder how many other people in their community were unable to stay in their homes due to the mobility challenges of debilitating illness, injury or disability.

This question led Bill Markt, Tom Eggers, and many others to form The Remodeler’s Heritage Foundation in 1997 with one guiding vision:  to make a difference in their community, one home at a time.

In 2006, the Remodeler’s Heritage Foundation became ReFIT (Remodeling for Independence Together), a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization powered by the caring and compassion of people just like you.

Since its inception, ReFIT volunteers and donors have helped individuals and families in Oregon throughout Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties.

For ReFIT clients, simple modifications of a living space can mean the difference between moving to a care facility and remaining in the comfort of home.

Caring for those less fortunate is our legacy.

Oregon Executives Association
2705 E. Burnside St., Suite 212
Portland, OR 97214

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